Monday, December 20, 2010

Camden United Against Cuts Public Meeting, Monday 10 January, 7pm, Camden Town Hall.

Following on from a series of anti-cuts activities in 2010, Camden Trades Council in conjunction with other local organisations has set up Camden United Against the Cuts  to co-ordinate work agains the cuts, with a launch meeting on 10 January at which Frank Dobson MP will be speaking (see flyer). Comrades are urged to encourage organisations to affiliate to the campaign (contact camdenunitedagainstcuts@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) and use the petition.
For more details click here:
Comrades living in Camden are strongly urged to attend this meeting if at all possible. It is vital that Communists living in Camden contribute to this growing local campaign to the maximum possible extent.

North London Morning Star Burns supper – 29 January 2011

North London Morning Star Burns supper is on Saturday 29th January (the same day as the Islington Hands Off Our Public Services campaign demonstration) 6.30 for a 7 start.

It's at the lovely Italian trade union centre at 124 Canonbury Road N1 2UT opposite Highbury and Islington tube station across the roundabout.
We have a piper and some Chilean music plus guest speakers
And the usual traditional food, drink, poetry and singing
Tickets will need to be booked and paid for in advance.
Watch the Morning Star for adverts with more details
We'll be looking for helpers (and Andy will follow up to confirm all):
·         cooking
·         bringing drinks and food
·         preparing room
·         serving
·         reading a poem or singing
For more info and to book a place email or 07771 612 592

IHOOPS takes cold cuts fight to Pickles

Islington Hands Of Our Public services (I-HOOPS) is fighting the good fight here in what is, despite the surrounding wealth, one of the poorest boroughs in Britain.  On Tuesday, 14 December, 20 campaigners held a freezing cold alternative carol singing outside St James Church Clerkenwell, with the local tories inside.  They had invited Eric Pickles MP as their guest but we are pleased to report, as stated by the non-kettling bobbies who kept us out of the ticket only do, that Pickles was unable to attend 'due to parliamentary duties'. One up for us.

Then on Wednesday we supported a Unison march to the local town hall in protest at 300 job losses, many in essential caring services.  Around 500 braved the cold and rain walking down Upper Street to the toots of many motorists.  Jeremy Corbyn spoke of the lead shown by the students and the need to build for the 26th March TUC sponsored demonstration.  The council leader Catherine West had the more difficult job of calling for unity against the Government while her council was starting with the cuts.  She was cheered, however, when she supported a call for a national conference of councillors plus trade unions and foreign anti-cuts campaigners.  Gary Heather, chair of the Islington Trades Council called for support for the I-HOOPS demonstration against the cuts on 29th January.  Many other trade union and community activists spoke in a rally that showed great unity and potential for growth.